Why You Need to Stop Using Stakeholder (And What to Say Instead)

Why You Need to Stop Using Stakeholder (And What to Say Instead)

One of the perks of being a keynote speaker is attending a lot of conferences. As someone who’s committed to continual learning, I always stay to learn from the other speakers. This not only helps me connect with the audience (reading the room before I speak) but also keeps me current in my public relations practice.

A big learning for me – one that I implemented a couple of years ago, but still see many clients using - is removing the word stakeholder from my vocabulary.

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Limit Your Baggage - Don't Own Others' Emotions

Limit Your Baggage - Don't Own Others' Emotions

Raising a child with a disability comes with enough pressure, without having to hold the emotional load of others. But it can take courage and persistence to set boundaries and not own others’ emotions.

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