Why I Want to Break Up with Public Education (and can’t)

Why I Want to Break Up with Public Education (and can’t)

Having one child in a public school and another in a private school wasn’t an easy decision. But it was a decision made based on keeping my child safe, and removing artificial barriers to their success. I will continue to advocate for the needs of my child remaining in public education, while sleeping better knowing my other child is finally in a safe and nurturing environment.

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Why Education Reform Starts with Parent Advocacy

Why Education Reform Starts with Parent Advocacy

As parents, we’re all too aware the impacts these cuts have had on our children’s mental health, personal safety and academic performance. But I doubt many of our elected official know what’s happening.

Why? Because parents and caregivers are so busy raising and fighting for our kids, that we don’t have a lot of time and energy leftover to advocate at the provincial level.

But without making some noise, and sharing our stories, our kids will continue to fall behind.

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