5 Ways to Encourage Self-Advocacy in Kids

5 Ways to Encourage Self-Advocacy in Kids

When children are young, as parents and caregivers we tend to be their voice. But as our kids grow and have opinions of their own, we make the shift from being their voice to their megaphone to their cheerleader.

What this shift looks like and when it happens depends on the individual. What is important is we encourage self-advocacy in kids, regardless of their ability. This is not only an important life skill, but also essential to having personal safety and fulfillment.


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Pink Shirt Day Ignores High Bullying Risk for Diverse Learners

Pink Shirt Day Ignores High Bullying Risk for Diverse Learners

February 23 is Pink Shirt Day and February is also Kindness month. Both get lots of coverage at schools and in the media. The growing awareness of Pink Shirt Day has shone a spotlight on bullying. But has it moved the needle in preventing bullying?

Not for diverse learners and kids with disabilities. While these students are most likely to be bullied, Pink Shirt Day ignores their high bullying risk.

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Why Saying Change Takes Time Harms Kids

Why Saying Change Takes Time Harms Kids

As a mom of a child with autism, and an advocate, the saying “Change Takes Time” is one I hear way too often. Honestly, it’s a cop out for not doing the hard work needed today instead of sloughing it off for tomorrow.

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Why I Want to Break Up with Public Education (and can’t)

Why I Want to Break Up with Public Education (and can’t)

Having one child in a public school and another in a private school wasn’t an easy decision. But it was a decision made based on keeping my child safe, and removing artificial barriers to their success. I will continue to advocate for the needs of my child remaining in public education, while sleeping better knowing my other child is finally in a safe and nurturing environment.

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