Speak Up! Share Your Voice

Speak Up! Share Your Voice

Now is the time to have your voice heard. As we navigate life in a pandemic, many organizations are looking for feedback and insights to plan for the second wave. By sharing your voice you can amplify the conversation instead of it fading away due to a lack of voices.

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Facts Hold the Power in Advocating

Facts Hold the Power in Advocating

Facts can be your superpower in advocating for yourself or a loved one. They help support your case or find common ground. Taking the time to get clear on the facts, instead of leading with emotions, can make the difference between having your voice heard and being ignored.

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How Our Stories Are a Crystal Ball into Our Future

How Our Stories Are a Crystal Ball into Our Future

Storytelling is a powerful tool to convey information and make a personal connection. But storytelling also gives the listener many clues about our past, present and future. Self awareness is key to impactful storytelling as well as changing the path you are on.

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