5 Life Lessons I’ve Learned from Raising an Autistic Child

5 Life Lessons I’ve Learned from Raising an Autistic Child

In honour of World Autism Awareness/Acceptance Day (April 2), I’m sharing some life lessons I’ve learned from raising an autistic child. This journey has not only made me a better mom, but a better person. It has helped me have more patience and compassion with others.

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How to Be Kind When You Have No Patience

How to Be Kind When You Have No Patience

Your mom was right when she said you can catch more flies with honey than vinegar. But sometimes it can be hard to hold back your anger and frustration. Here are some tips to help you have patience in trying conversations.

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Kids with Special Needs Continue to be Forgotten

Kids with Special Needs Continue to be Forgotten

COVID has furthered the gap between kids with special needs and neurotypical learners. In many cases, these students have less resources and supports to help them navigate the new restrictions and classroom routines. The result - kids are struggling like we’ve never seen before.

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Don't Forget to Carve Out Time for You

Don't Forget to Carve Out Time for You

As a mom and business owner, I spend so much time helping others, and not enough time on taking care of myself. My business coach recently reminded me of the importance of self-care and some easy ways to create space without causing more stress.

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Why Being a Mom Can Make Me a Bad Friend

Why Being a Mom Can Make Me a Bad Friend

It has taken me years to come to terms with the fact that the demands placed on me as a mom can make a bad friend. I’ve learning to release the mom guilt and not try to be all things to everyone. While I know I’m not alone, it can be a lonely and isolating journey.

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Why I'm Okay Being "That Parent"

Why I'm Okay Being "That Parent"

I’ve spent a lot of time lately being “That Parent.” You know, the parent that advocate for their child and holds people accountable for promises made. I have embraced the label and wear it proudly.

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