Why Getting a Diagnosis Matters

Why Getting a Diagnosis Matters

Over the years as a speaker and advocate, I often have people say to me – oh I know my child is (insert condition) but I don’t see the point of getting a diagnosis. Or – I know I have (insert condition) so I don’t need a diagnosis.

Each time I hear this it takes all my effort to keep my internal voice from screaming at them – having a diagnosis matters!!

In the age of Dr. Google, we have a wealth of information at our fingertips. While it’s great to be able to educate yourself on a condition, it’s important to remember you are not a medical professional (and even if you are, you need an unbiased opinion).

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Empowering Voices: Importance of Self-Advocacy for People with Disabilities

Empowering Voices: Importance of Self-Advocacy for People with Disabilities

I consider myself a strong advocate. I take an active role in advocating for kids with disabilities and don’t shy away from asking tough questions.

I’ve taken my advocacy skills for granted until the day I had to stand up for my brother. It realized that what comes naturally to me is a challenge for him. Being raised in the 80s and 90s, he was never encouraged to ask questions, give his opinion or speak up for himself.

Sadly, this is the case for many people with disabilities. While there are now self-advocacy groups and conferences, not everyone feels empowered to use their voice.

Yet self-advocacy skills are key to increasing independence, improving quality of life and creating a truly inclusive world.

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Why Saying Change Takes Time Harms Kids

Why Saying Change Takes Time Harms Kids

As a mom of a child with autism, and an advocate, the saying “Change Takes Time” is one I hear way too often. Honestly, it’s a cop out for not doing the hard work needed today instead of sloughing it off for tomorrow.

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